Presence of Mycoplasma SP. in Common Opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) at La Aurora National Zoo, Guatemala.


  • Juan Pablo Gaitan Monroy



The investigation estimated the capture of 20 opossums, regardless of age range or sex, located in the La Aurora National Zoological Park in Guatemala City. The objective was to determine the presence of Mycoplasma sp. in them, through the blood smear method. Recent research has highlighted the importance of hemotropic mycoplasmas as emerging zoonotic pathogens and underlined the need for accurate detection and diagnosis, as well as a greater understanding of their epidemiology and impact on animal and possibly human health. They have also highlighted the importance of investigating the role of vectors in the transmission of these infections in wildlife because this disease has been associated with high morbidity and low mortality in mammals in zoos around the world. A total of 8 positive cases were recorded in the blood smear test, of which 5 were females (62.00%) and 3 were males (37.05%). It is concluded that microscopy must be accompanied by other tests in order to obtain more accurate diagnoses and know the species of Mycoplasma that affects the hosts.

Keywords: Guatemala, Hemoparasites, Mycoplasma, Possums, Zoo


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Gaitan Monroy

Guía de Ecoturismo con conocimientos en flora y fauna de los Volcanes de Guatemala y Centroamérica. Estudiante con pensum cerrado de la licenciatura  de  medicina  veterinaria  en  la  Universidad  de  San  Carlos  de  Guatemala (USAC). Realizó su Ejercicio Profesional Supervisado (EPS) en el Parque Zoológico Nacional La Aurora, Ciudad de Guatemala. Voluntario en varios proyectos relacionados a la conservación de fauna y flora endémica de Guatemala.  También ha cursado diplomados en línea sobre, fauna silvestre, animales no convencionales, medicina zoológica, cardiología en pequeñas especies, patología, rabia en herbívoros y fiebre aftosa en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (FMVZ, USAC).


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How to Cite

Gaitan Monroy, J. P. (2024). Presence of Mycoplasma SP. in Common Opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) at La Aurora National Zoo, Guatemala. Revista Naturaleza, Sociedad Y Ambiente, 11(1), 19–33.