The importance of educational coverage with reference to the Educational Policies of Guatemala


  • Yadira Abigail Ishlaj Conde



The main purpose of the Educational Policies in Guatemala is to guide the lines of work of the Ministry of Education through the formulation of the Annual Strategic Plan, for the achievement of the objectives and educational purposes that frame the National Education Law that finally proposes the integral development of the person; the importance of educational coverage lies in the insertion, permanence, retention and promotion of children and young people of school age in the national educational system; in order to eradicate poverty, counteract child labor and establish professional labor competencies.


It is addressed in this investigation concluded in the year 2022; with special attention to the Educational Coverage Policy that expresses: "Guarantee access, permanence and effective graduation of children and youth without discrimination, at all educational levels and school and extra-school subsystems" (CNE, 2'011). The impact of the Educational Coverage Policy is reflected in the universalization of monolingual, bilingual and intercultural education at the initial, pre-primary, primary and secondary levels of education with quality, equity and relevance. The main objective of this Coverage Policy is the incorporation of the monolingual and bilingual population of school age into the educational system, with emphasis on completing the secondary level of education, a goal that reduces the rates of school dropout and repetition.


Keywords: Educational quality, Coverage, school dropout, Ministry of Education, national educational system.


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Centro de Investigaciones Económicas Nacionales -CIEN- & Inter-American Dialogue (2019) El Sistema Educativo en Guatemala Documento Final. Guatemala 2019. Disponible en:

Empresarios por la Educación (2018). “Informe de resultados. Sistema de monitoreo de días de clases”. Guatemala, 27 de noviembre de 2018. Disponible en: Informe%20de%20resultados.pdf

Ministerio de Educación -MINEDUC-. Anuario estadístico. Disponible en:

(2016a). “Plan Estratégico de Educación 2016-2020”. Disponible en:

os/politicas_educativas/pdf/PLAN-EDUCACION.pdf (2017a). “Estrategia para la ampliación de cobertura en preprimaria y

primaria 2017-2020”. Guatemala, enero de 2017. Disponible en:ÓN_COBERTURA.pdf (2017b). “MINEDUC Informativo. Boletín no. 29”. Guatemala, 24 de agosto de 2017. Disponible en:

nfo/documents/2017/MINEDUC_INFORMA-29.pdf 2016b). “Plan Operativo Anual 2017”. Dirección de Planificación Educativa -DIPLAN, Guatemala, julio de 2016. Disponible en: INCISO5_2017_VERSION1_PLAN_OPERATIVO_ANUAL_2017-019.pdf



How to Cite

Ishlaj Conde, Y. A. (2023). The importance of educational coverage with reference to the Educational Policies of Guatemala. Revista Naturaleza, Sociedad Y Ambiente, 10(1), 75–82.