Social and Environmental Impact of Organic and Inorganic Waste Management in the Municipality of Jalapa.


  • Allan Josué Portillo Barrera



Inadequate waste disposal practices bring irreversible consequences for the environment, a situation that demands the implementation of actions that contribute to the transformation of behavior regarding waste management and the negative implications for both the environment and health. The inquiry is aimed at identifying the social and environmental impact of managing organic and inorganic waste.


To establish the methodology by which the research and data collection are governed, the survey technique was used, designed with the purpose of efficiently acquiring data through the questionnaire as an instrument to facilitate the obtaining of results. In this way, the objectives set are fulfilled by identifying the environmental and social impacts of waste management. In the social sphere, it contributes to improving the health of the inhabitants by reducing toxins and pollutants. In the environmental sphere, by compressing the amount of waste, natural resources are not wasted and, therefore, the conservation of water, soil, and air is aided. Additionally, by recycling, raw materials and energy are saved.



Impact, inorganic, organic, recycling, waste.


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Author Biography

Allan Josué Portillo Barrera

Allan Josué Portillo Barrera, Maestro en Formulación y Evaluación de Proyectos con Énfasis en Impacto Ambiental, Estudiante de Doctorado en Investigación con énfasis en Tecnología. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala USAC. Centro Universitario de Sur Oriente CUNSURORI. Departamento de Estudios de Postgrado II. Experiencia laboral:  Catedrático de computación en Escuela Oficial Urbana Agua Tibia Jalapa, MINEDUC. Docente en el área de informática escuelas demostrativas del futuro, MINEDUC. Catedrático especializado en la Escuela Normal Regional de Oriente ENRO, MINEDUC. Catedrático especializado en el Instituto Normal de Educación INED Experimental, MINEDUC. Docente interino en la carrera de licenciatura en pedagogía y administración educativa, USAC CUNSURORI. Diseño instruccional, DEP USAC CUNSURORI.


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How to Cite

Portillo Barrera, A. J. (2024). Social and Environmental Impact of Organic and Inorganic Waste Management in the Municipality of Jalapa. Revista Naturaleza, Sociedad Y Ambiente, 11(1), 109–118.